Wednesday, August 09, 2006
10:34 PM

yep today is ninth aug happy birthday singapore (:such a pity that i didnt get to see the actual was quite nice on television bet it will be better live...anw i saw fireworks yesterday at esplanade so preeeety!! it was extremely CROWDED..felt like everyone in singapore were there..haha seriously....but it was FUN(: that short fifteen mins..with chiaxuan jessie xinrui kahmun yuehua diff location haha..we took like fifteen mins to gather everyone..saw quite a few jj people..they are so free like us...all the way fm jurong..respect!
yesterday's sports' day was so exciting..sang songs..pulled string..ran..n won two medals..hee(: while others watched eyecandy-s..took photos..even videos hahaha..such a rewarding day right *winks hurhur..took so many just s one girls' hobby..some of us..okay shall share some(: argh totally dont know how to load photos n put them in the right position forget it..